Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thinking of Things and Such

“When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.”
-Winnie The Pooh

One of my childhood favorite characters is Winnie the Pooh. It may be rather silly and I may indeed be too old and ridiculous for it but I simply love Winnie the Pooh. It's not like I'm obsessed or anything, Pooh just hits a soft spot in my heart and quite frankly this quote does too. 

I've felt like this a lot recently. The things I think of don't seem to be quite the same once I decide to express them in words. In fact, the other day I think the closest I came to expressing this idea was when I put on my Facebook that "sometimes I just get too excited and I start to ramble and talk real loudly and probably don't make too much sense but just bear with me because it's something I must really want to share with you." 

I tend to think of myself as a person whose communication skills are quite inadequate for the type of thoughts I'd like to share. Although, I will admit I have gotten better over the last year or so, I am still not at the level I wish I were at. Generally, people have problems because they don't think before they speak; I think that, for me, it is quite the opposite. I think far too much before I speak and therefore, whenever I talk, my words seem incoherent and my ideas are bouncing all over the place. Or maybe it's that I think much faster than I can formulate the words to express the ideas. I'm not sure. I always like to picture my thoughts as all these words that are just rushing towards this tiny door (kind of like in Alice in Wonderland) but it's too many of them and they're going so fast that they crash and are squished at the doorway trying to get out. Basically like a bottleneck effect. But I don't really know how or even if they ever actually get out the door. My imagination just stops there.

Well clearly, I am not incapable of communicating my thoughts. If I were you would have given up reading by now, or at least I know I would have. But my effectiveness is a different story. I'd have to say I feel much more comfortable with written communication instead of verbal. Whatever I say or would like to say, I know in my head makes sense, but when I say it comes out exactly as I think it. So relating it back to my illustration, whichever thought made it out the door first in whichever order, that's how I'll say it. More than likely, it will not make to much sense to the listener. And this is why I like written communication. I can write exactly what I am thinking, see where the inconsistencies are at, and then rearrange them to make sense. Now, not only will others be better able to comprehend my thoughts but, most of the times, I get a more refined perspective on my own ideas. It's wonderful!

I wish I had realized this earlier, it would have been so beneficial. But I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, particularly my refusal to write. I used to think journaling and writing your thoughts down was a silly girly thing to do. I was never going to have a diary. The thought was simply revolting. Mainly since reading and writing fell under the category of English at school, I thought I would never willingly engage in reading a book nevertheless write for the fun of it. Who would have guessed that I actually enjoy doing both now? 

There are those of us who have a hard time voicing our opinion. I will willing admit I am one of those. I have my reasons why I do it. I don't like there to be disagreement or dissension. I like harmony so I will suppress my ideas for it's sake. But I know there are times when stating my idea wouldn't hurt and in fact may prove helpful. So I encourage you, if you're like me, don't be afraid to express your thoughts. Sure they may be whacky and sure they may make no sense to others, initially. You just got to take baby steps. Write on scratch paper, write a journal, talk to someone who you know will listen. You'll eventually be confident enough to speak your thoughts even when you know people will oppose them. This doesn't mean you will, you'll just be able to. Be so bold as to even start your own blog if you desire. Let me know and I'll surely love to know your thoughts :)

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