Monday, February 6, 2012

For starters, I won't throw my crazy ideas out here yet. I'll have to warm you up to those. So let's start with something simple.

I realized I didn't mention my true inspiration for starting this blog. I've recently become acquainted  with a like-minded person. We've had some pretty neat discussions and they always come back to the same point. 

Kind of reminds me of the way I think. I can start with any initial thought but somehow my mind always leads to the same couple things. Recently, it's had to do a lot with the way people interact with one another. I like to think as life as this big ummm let's call it experiment.

I like to sit back and observe things, people, customs, anything. I don't generally come up with any conclusions though. Just a bunch of observations. I fear that if I follow through with a conclusion it may be wrong and I will incorrectly approach things because of such conclusion. Thus I remain neutral, or just simply objective.

Sometimes, I wish people would just deal with problems like that. Then there wouldn't really be problems. You would be able to see things calmly and unbiased. There wouldn't be misunderstanding, and if there was you would try to reach a resolution with out your own predispositions and views getting in the way. But then there wouldn't be passion, we wouldn't be human.

That's the crazy thing. I wish I could see the big picture, at times. Be able to see outside of myself. I just want to understand others. I wish others would try to understand one another with out their worldview fogging their lenses. I don't mean to sound hippy-ish and new age but there is a little bit of truth in everything we do and are. There is something innate in us that strives for it that reaches out for truth. In that strife sometimes we just go about it incorrectly but that doesn't make us any less sincere.

What I really wish is that I could show love to others the way Jesus did. Because even though He knew everything about the people he talked to, he didn't just call them out and impose his righteousness. He put himself at their level and reached out to them in their own way, he made them feel comfortable, safe, listened to, I don't know but you just know he cared. Now, I'm not saying you have to believe in Jesus. You are more than free to think what you may, and I respect that. But don't you think we should just be better listeners and understander-ers at times? A little more patience and a little more love would do the trick. To me, God is love.

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