Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Beauty Above

Before I begin, I would like to apologize for the long lapse between posts. Life, school and laziness during spring break didn't mix up too well. Also, I had a thought that I've not been able to fully verbalize and is a halfway unpublished post at the moment. But without any further ado: my thought of the day.

Today, I found myself absolutely dumbfounded. You know that look people give when they are absolutely lost and possibly tired as well. The one were their mouth is just slightly open and their eyes seem to just be staring off into space. That was me today, staring out a window. But not just any window. It was an airplane window. 

It's been years since I've last flown on a plane and I forgot the wonder that it is. One of man's greatest dreams has always been to fly. Reading old myths and stories, like Icarus and his man-made wings, we can see how much the sky and heavens have always fascinated mankind. And to think that now we are capable of sending people to outer space. As the plane traversed the sky, I couldn't help but stare out the window in pure awe. I was absolutely amazed. It was so beautiful.

Quite frankly, I don't think I've ever felt so stupefied by anything so amazing. I looked at the ground below, how everything that seems big to us seems so minute from the sky above. I loved looking at the different patches of land, the different shades of green, see how they were divided and connected.  I have quite a fascination for roads and highways, so when I saw their orderliness (or lack thereof), I loved it. The parallel and perpendicular roads, how the roads followed the natural groove of the earth, the lakes, the rivers, then the ocean. It was beautiful.

But what was truly beautiful were the clouds. Staring at the clouds and looking at their shapes on a nice summer day is one thing, but when you're right with them, it's surreal.  I would love to just touch a cloud. To think that these clouds, these fluffy cotton-looking-like things,  are just water and dust particles, it's amazing. And they're not just there, they're dynamic and changing and wow. No wonder our ancestor's use to think heaven was there. 

And what if it really was but in a spiritual dimension? This is just a thought not fully worked out yet but at the top of the stratosphere's level there is more surface area than at sea level, and clearly more area than all the actual dry ground. So even though there are 7 billion people currently alive and heck of a lot more people have lived through the history of earth, we could all possibly live in that heaven, because there is so much room. Think about it, not even all the land on earth is inhabited (clearly because not all is able to be life sustaining without the adequate technology and resources), so there should be more than enough room. But maybe not, I haven't made any calculations. This is just an idea.

It'd be kind of interesting to think about. But anyways, man these clouds were beautiful. After seeing that I was just convicted once again of God's magnificence. That's really the only thing on my mind other than all the science that is behind flying and the clouds and wind and everything. I mean if you can't even believe in a divine, greater-than-yourself, other-worldly being, clearly you've never been on a plane. It's just all too orderly and systematic and simple uniquely beautiful for their not to be a designer. It's almost like the designer's fingerprints are all over the clouds as they change shapes. That was meant to be rude in anyway but it's just a kind of wonder that you have to experience to acknowledge the wonder of the world you live in the midst in. For a moment you can actually see something greater than your own little world. As you fly over your hometown you realize how much more there is outside of your own bubble. There is a sense of grandeur and majesty and wonder that I just can't explain. 

And when you all you can see is the blue sky above, there are no words left. Well at least that was my experience. I remember that I flew on planes as a child and I always loved sitting window seat, but never do I remember been so fascinated by the sky (possibly just because I have a bad memory). The one thing I wished at that moment was that my little brother could see what I was seeing. Little kids have such an impressionable imagination. I know he would just fall in love and be utterly amazed. I would just love to hear what he would say. 

I'm pretty sure he would be fascinated. I love that about children. They are still amazed by the world. They're innocent and are still capable of seeing the beauty in everything. I hope you would be more open to seeing the beauty in life too, not just clouds :)

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